Hold On To Your Hope and Faith

Day in and day out we encounter life. Sometimes life brings joy and sometimes life brings pain and disappointment. Depending on what you have experienced over time, you might find yourself in a place where you feel stronger because of those experiences, or depleted and trying to understand when brighter times will come. Whether times…

Move from Thinking to Action

Thinking is often much easier than doing; however, thinking alone never leads to outcomes. Moving from the dream in your head to implementing the actions required to move from point A to point B is where the hard work lies. But, if that’s the hardest part, how do we get better at moving from thinking…

Be Bold About Dreaming Big

Dear Self: I want you to get a little wild and crazy and remove the leash you place on your imagination, especially when it comes to your dreams. You haven’t stopped dreaming, but I have noticed that you’re looking around at life and timelines and shrinking your dreams and goals. There’s a fine line between…

You Are Not Stuck

Dear Self: I see that area of your life where you feel stuck right now. But, I want to let you know this: you might feel stuck, but you are not. I know you feel so overwhelmed or like things feel fixed, and even final. You are close to throwing your hands up and deeming…

You Can Always Turn The Page

Dear self: Your life is a series of chapters, a sequence of pages filled with your story, a series of sentences flowing at times like the waves. On other days, life unfolds like a song: single notes and rhythms best understood when taken in totality. Here’s the thing about your story: it is being written…

Intentional Living Defined: How To Bring More Purpose to Your Life

Living intentionally is nothing more than setting a purpose and establishing a plan and direction for various areas of your life. It is the opposite of living life on autopilot and is the difference between going on a journey with a sense of the destination versus leaving your house without a plan. This post is…

This Is Why You Might Struggle to Consistently Invest in Yourself

Everyone has dreams and everyone wants to succeed at something. Some people put in consistent effort toward clear goals, which gives their dreams a chance. Others never really try hard and their dreams remain a fantasy. Then, there is another group of people that take action, stop, and then repeat that cycle over and over…

Why Embracing Change is Necessary for Personal Growth

During a recent blog post, I shared some ways to encourage and motivate yourself, especially in the areas you might find the most challenging. We logically know that sustainable personal growth requires daily action, discipline, and consistency, and that can sometimes be the hardest part of personal transformation. How can we change the more challenging…

How To Deal With Setbacks

In the last post, we talked about ways to keep ourselves motivated and encouraged. Therefore, I thought it would be a good time to discuss the experience of setbacks, which can be one of the hardest times to stay motivated. At some point, we are all going to deal with setbacks. Sometimes those setbacks are…

How To Encourage and Motivate Yourself

If you are alive, it is inevitable to have times when you feel unmotivated or lack the desire to complete a task or goal. Honestly, it is both inevitable and normal. We are not going to love, or even like, everything we have to do to make our lives better, yet we still have to…